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IT & Software

Cisco CCNA 200-301 Training + Labs

You can easily pass the Cisco CCNA Training Exam and get your Certificate.

Cisco CCNA 200-301 Training + Labs

Thanks to its wide range of lab applications, you can easily pass the Cisco CCNA Training exam and get your certificate.

What you’ll learn?

Cisco CCNA 200-301 Training + Labs

  • Wired and Wireless Network Technologies
  • Cisco Router and Switch Configuration
  • VLAN and STP Applications
  • IPv4 – IPv6 Addressing Subnetting
  • IPv4 Routing -Static Route and OSPF
  • Creating a Cisco Wireless LAN
  • Access Control List – ACL
  • Network Security
  • DHCP Snooping and ARP Inspection
  • Network Address Translation – NAT
  • Quality of Service
  • Network Automation


  • There are no prerequisites to attend the course; anyone can attend.
  • An intermediate computer to use the Cisco Packet Tracer Program.


Cisco certificates are among the most valid certificates in the world, and you can pass the Cisco CCNA 200-301 exam easily by taking this training. You will be one step ahead in your job applications when you receive your certificate.

The content of the training has been prepared entirely with new topics concerning the new CCNA 200-301 Official book prepared by Cisco. You can also download the presentation files in English, approximately 400 pages in total, which I prepared separately from the downloadable files for each section.

See Also: Network Fundamentals for Absolute Beginners

There are no prerequisites to participate in the training; everyone can easily participate in this training as I explain the topics from scratch.

We will do the laboratory applications in education with real devices and via Packet Tracer, the Network simulation program prepared by Cisco for students.

  • I will explain in detail how to download and use the program.
  • I tried to convey this training to you best with my 24 years of experience in the sector. I had a lot of fun while preparing for the training, and I do not doubt you will enjoy watching it too.
  • I used a quality microphone and HD camera while shooting to provide you with the best sound and image quality.

Who this course is for?

  • Those Who Want to Become a Network Specialist.
  • Those who want to be a Network Engineer.
  • Those who want to be System and Network Experts.
  • Those Who Want to Become a Cyber Security Expert.
  • Those Who Want to Make a Career in the IT Industry.
  • Those Who Want to Obtain Cisco CCNA 200-301 Certification.
  • Those who are System Experts and want to Know More About Network Devices

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