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Clean Code for JavaScript

Make your codebase long-term and scalable with cleaner JavaScript code

Clean Code for JavaScript

Make your codebase long-term and scalable with cleaner javascript code

What you'll learn?

Learn how to write clean JavaScript code!

  • Making your code long-term and scalable
  • Identify how to improve your code
  • Saving time for people from your codebase
  • Writing understandable code for everyone


  • Having one hour of free time


Here is a condensed course for people who don't have 10 hours free and still want to improve their code.

After following this course of an hour you will be more confident about the readability of your code, and your codebase will be long-term and scalable because of the ease to read and change the code you wrote.

See Also: The Complete JavaScript Course (Beginner-Focused)

I talk about clean code for every part of JavaScript:

  • Variables (19min, available in preview)
  • Functions (24min)
  • Classes (12min)
  • Error handling (13min)
  • Comments (18min)

The first section about variables is fully in preview, so you can already learn from this course, if you like my style of teaching, then I will try to record other courses about precise JavaScript subjects like this one.

My name is Bryan, I'm a French JavaScript developer and I first recorded this course in French but then decided to also do it in English so everyone could quickly improve their code whatever their language.

I already created a lot of courses, on Udemy or my platform, but this one is the first I do in English, so please don't expect a perfect English vocabulary, I tried my best!

See Also: Full Stack Web Development with Vue Js, NodeJS, MongoDB, JS

Finally, I hope this course will benefit you as you expected.

Thank you for reading.

Who this course is for

  • JavaScript developers

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