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How to Create & Deploy a 10,000 NFT Collection

Become an NFT Creator: Complete NFT course from design to registration on OpenSea

How to Create & Deploy a 10,000 NFT Collection

What you’ll learn ?

  • Learn the fundamentals of the NFT space.
  • Programmatically created images and information are possible.
  • IPFS is a great place to store your photos and information.
  • Learn how to read and write smart contracts.
  • Create a Smart Contract on Ethereum or Polygon and deploy it.
  • On OpenSea, you may register your NFT collection.

Requirements :

  • The only qualification is that you are interested in learning how to make and sell NFTs.

Description :

The goal of this course is to give you a basic understanding of the NFT space and help you get your own NFT collection out there.

If you’ve just learned about NFTs or want to start a collection but don’t know where to begin, this course is for you! Whether you already have some ideas or will be working in a group, this course will show you how to:

  • What is the procedure for collecting NFT?
  • What is the best way to make your photographs and metadata?
  • How to understand, develop, and tailor your smart contract to your project’s needs.
  • Learn how to use the testnet or mainnet to deploy your smart contract.
  • How to Use OpenSea to Showcase Your NFT Collection
  • How to Create a Royalty Account on NFT Marketplaces

You will have enough information and tools at the conclusion of this course to operate your own NFT projects.

See Also :

Who this course is for ?

  • Designers and artists are interested in having their work included in the NFT Collection.
  • Investors who want to understand more about how NFT collections are put together

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