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IT & Software

Network Fundamentals for Absolute Beginners

Learn How Computer Networks Work!

Network Fundamentals for Absolute Beginners – UDEMY 24

Networking fundamentals for beginners, learn how computer networks work, and the architecture used to design networks.

What you’ll learn?

Network Fundamentals for Absolute Beginners – UDEMY 24

  • Networking Overview
  • Cabling and connectors
  • Reference Models: OSI Model and TCP/IP Model
  • IPv4 Addressing and subnetting, VLSM
  • Network Devices: Hub, Switch, Bridge, Router, and Firewall – Overview
  • IP Routing Overview
  • Static Routing
  • Default Routing
  • Dynamic Routing Protocols: RIP, OSPF
  • Switches Overview
  • MAC Address and MAC Address Tables
  • VLANs and Trunking
  • Spanning-Tree Protocol (STP) and Types
  • Etherchannel / Port-channel / Link-Aggregation
  • Security Overview
  • Port-security on Switches
  • ACL on Routers
  • NAT and PAT
  • Wireless Networking


  • No pre-requisite just basic knowledge of handling a computer system and the will to learn & experiment.


In this introduction to networking, learn how computer networks work, the architecture used to design networks, and how to keep them secure.

Networking Fundamentals is a course for non-technical people. It is designed to provide a broad understanding of the basics of computer networks for Sales and Merchandising employees. Technical people may find it helpful in establishing a baseline for knowledge before developing further networking skills or certifications.

This is a great starting point for learners who are interested in entry-level networking concepts and skills. This vendor-neutral path covers networking concepts and protocols, network infrastructure basics, networking management and operations, network security, and network troubleshooting and tools.

This path will get you started in Networking. You’ll learn all the basics you need to pursue a career in Networking. This is a great starting point for learners who are interested in entry-level networking concepts and skills. This vendor-neutral path covers networking concepts and protocols, network infrastructure basics, networking management and operations, network security, and network troubleshooting and tools.

See Also: Cyber Security for Absolute Beginners: Essential Concepts

Network Fundamentals for Absolute Beginners

This foundational Networking fundamental prepares learners to implement, maintain, troubleshoot, and repair computer and network systems by learning what different types of networks are and how they operate.

At its simplest, networking is just moving 0s and 1s from one machine to another. But it can also be the most complicated, nuanced, and technically challenging aspect of information technology.

After completing this networking training you’ll know how to implement, maintain, troubleshoot, and repair computer and network systems by learning what different types of networks are and how they operate.

For managers with network professionals, this training can be used to onboard new network technicians, curated into individual or team training plans, or as a reference resource.

You’ll learn the fundamental principles of computer networking to prepare you for the Azure admin and developer learning paths.

Learning objectives

Networking Fundamentals Table of Contents:- Networking Overview- Cabling and connectors- Reference Models:

  • OSI Model and TCP/IP Model
  • IPv4 Addressing and subnetting, VLSM
  • Network Devices: Hub, Switch, Bridge, Router, and Firewall – Overview
  • IP Routing Overview
  • Static Routing
  • Default Routing
  • Dynamic Routing Protocols: RIP, OSPF
  • Switches Overview
  • MAC Address and MAC Address Tables
  • VLANs and Trunking
  • Spanning-Tree Protocol (STP) and Types
  • Ether channel / Port-channel / Link-Aggregation
  • Security Overview
  • Port-security wrt Switches
  • ACL wrt Routers
  • NAT and PAT
  • Wireless Networking

Lab Tools: Cisco packet tracer, GNS3, EVE-NG

See Also: Ultimate Ethical Hacking from Zero To Hero

Who this course is for?

  • Anyone who wants to learn Networking

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