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Solid JS & Firebase – The Complete Guide (Twitter Clone App)

Build a Twitter-like app with Solid JS and Typescript

Solid JS & Firebase – The Complete Guide (Twitter Clone App)

Build a Twitter-like app with Solid JS and Typescript. Unleash Solid JS reactivity. Use Firebase as the data store.

What you’ll learn?

Solid JS & Firebase – The Complete Guide (Twitter Clone App)

  • Learn to program with Solid JS and create amazing Web Apps
  • Get an understanding of how to create a Twitter clone app explained practically
  • Write type-safe code with Typescript
  • Use Firebase services – Firestore storage, Authentication.
  • Establish yourself in the field of the Web Development


  • Base Javascript & Typescript knowledge


Is this course right for you?

This course covers creating a Twitter-like application with Solid JS and minimal 3rd party dependencies. Almost every feature is made from scratch without any dependency package. This covers – Form Validation, Pagination, Modal, Popups, snack bars, and more.

See Also: The Complete JavaScript Course ( Beginner Focused )

The course covers the explanation of Solid JS library API by working on an actual project. This course will give you the confidence and skills required to start any project.

Students should have basic javascript knowledge to start working on this course.

What is Solid JS?

Solid JS is a reactive UI library inspired by React JS. It utilizes Component-like architecture, reactive data binding, and JSX.

Every Component executes once, and the Hooks and bindings run many times as their dependencies update.

Solid follows the same philosophy as React with unidirectional data flow, read/write segregation, and immutable interfaces. It, however, has an entirely different implementation that forgoes using a Virtual DOM.

What is Typescript?

TypeScript is an open-source language that builds on JavaScript, one of the world’s most used tools, by adding static type definitions.

What are you going to work on?

Students will build a Twitter-like app from scratch – the HTML layout part is not part of the course (This will be provided in the course materials to save time and focus purely on Solid JS). The focus of this course is coding and not writing HTML content.

You will learn how to use Typescript language – a superset of Javascript providing additional features and a static type checker.

The course starts with the preparation of the base layout of the application. All designs – images, and content are provided by the instructor.

Who this course is for?

  • Is anybody interested in how to create Web Apps with modern JS libraries/frameworks
  • People looking for a practical web development guide
  • This course is for everyone eager to understand how to build an app from scratch

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